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Current Families

We deeply appreciate your involvement in our community at the Ark.

Your presence means a lot to us.

Parent Handbook

Click below to download the most recent Parent Handbook.

Schedule Change Request

Do you need to change your child's schedule with us? Download this form, fill it out, and email or bring it by.


The Early Childhood Education & Care Department (ECECD) serves as the governing body for the regulation of childcare services. Visit their website to access a wide range of support services, including child care assistance, financial aid, and food support, by clicking below.

Family Strengths Network

FSN's mission is to provide education, support groups, and activities to all types of families, parents, teens, and children. Through our work, FSN improves the quality of family life for generations. Click the button below to view their website.

Current Session Paperwork

Do you need to update your child's information with us? Download this form, fill it out what you need, and email or bring it by.

Disenrollment Form

Do you need to disenroll from the Ark? Download this form, fill it out, and email or bring it by.

Las Cumbres

Child and Family Services provide a continuum of closely integrated programs for infants, children, and their families through early intervention and early childhood mental health services. Click below to view their website.

How can we pray with you?

How would you like your prayer handled?

Contact Us

Communication Sign-Up

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